Thursday, 17 March 2011


This is our first attempt at editing our actual trailer and taking it seriously. We have only produced 20 seconds but believe it has potential and could be made longer for the final outcome.

We have used some establishing shots to start with which fade into each other, creating equilibrium which horror films usually do, making the viewer feel comfortable. We have then put in a close up of a couples hand, which reinforces the equilibrium and introduces the victim characters. After this the tempo starts to speed up with a scream from one of the characters we have just seen. We used a hand held camera shot on a canted angle to create disorientaion - contrasting the previous shots. This is one of our favourite shots but maybe it could be moved further through the trailer to have more impact on the audience.

Next we have introduced a short, sharp shot of our villain in the water. The quick editing adds to the mood of the film and the jump cuts create panic. Using a shot of her in the water links the film back to the title and makes the audience want to know why she is there and wahts going to happen. We then added in a close up of her face as she snaps open her eye which is freaky and makes the viewer jump.

The music cuts in and although not typical horror music, it definaltey helps the trailer along. In the real trailer we will use the music we have researched and picked [here] but for now this is just an experiment. We then added in some quick, simple text on a black backgroud - following horror connotations and following on from this we have a clip of Tom looking over his shoulder and 'watching his back' like the text suggested.
We are happy with this so far and think with some more film added in and some slight alterations we have a good start!

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