Thursday, 24 March 2011

Trailer feedback

In today's lesson we showed our media class our trailer on the projector screen. We handed out a questionnaire [pictured above] for everyone to fill out and collect some feedback in order for us to know what needs improving.  We are going to take these remarks on board and edit our trailer, hopefully producing the final cut.
What is the name of our film?
The majority of people left this answer blank as the trailer doesn't actually feature our title. We know this is probably the most important thing to be in the trailer which is why we are going to get it in asap. We are going to use the handmade watery font which colleen produced herself, we hope it will be one of the iconic features of our film.
What's our production name?
All but a few people answered this correct, its featured at the very beginning of our trailer. In one of the later questions someone said it could be shown for longer, so we may slow it down by a second or two.
What Genre is it?
Everybody said the film genre was horror which is correct. This shows that our trailer has lots of horror connotations and links to the genre well.
What makes you think this?
The most popular answer given was the fast, jolty editing. People said the long shots built tension and contrasted well with the jump cuts. The fast flickering gives a sense of instability and fractured personalities. This was our purpose and therefore has worked well as nearly everybody commented on this. A few people said makeup and costume added to the horror genre, dark colours which also worked well with the dark lighting.
What do you think of the backing track?
We had a good response to our music, people said it was eerie and fitted well with our editing. They said it built tension with the calm music at the beginning and the loud bangs at the end. We were really happy with the music and are glad the audience felt the same, we intended for the loudest bits to be at the end on dramatic parts of the footage.
What could be improved?
- an apostrophe needs to be put in
- possibly more dialogue 
- title text
- the text to be on screen for a bit longer
These are the main points which came up, we are going to take them all into consideration when editing the trailer next time.
What didn't you like?
People said the ending was an anti climax, and ended suddenly. We do already know this and intend to add a scream and fade to black to finish. They also felt the storyline could have been clearer, so we need to work on this and make it more clear.
What did you like?
We had similar answers here to the 'what makes you think this' question which in my eyes makes it a success. The music and editing were popular answers again and people said they work well for the genre  which means we have a good horror trailer!
Some people also liked the unconventional setting of the beach and pier. They said it wasnt expected but worked in its own creepy way.
Rating out of 10?
the average rating was an 8 which is pretty good, hopefully we can get this up to a 10 after some more editing and our final trailer.

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